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6 Ways to Motivate Yourself to Workout

Exercising doesn't just improve our physical health, it also is shown to improve our mental health. It is a great coping mechanism for dealing with things like stress, anxiety, depression, and more. Even if its just for 15 minutes a day, moving our bodies can significantly improve our overall mood. Although the benefits of workout out are obvious, it's always been hard for me to get started! I've never been someone who works out — I lacked motivation and excitement. The past few months of working from home, sitting at my desk all day, or staying indoors because of the cold weather has led me to be so weak and fatigued. Here are some ways I motivated myself to workout!

Find Workout Plans that you LOVE

It is so important to find workout plans that you will actually do and find fun! If you don't like to run, then don't force yourself to run or if you don't like spin classes, then don't sign up for one. There are so many other kinds of workouts that you can try instead such as pilates, yoga, weight training, Zumba, tennis, biking, walking, basketball, dance, or skating. When you're enjoying a workout you are more likely to feel motivated to do it again!

Set a Realistic Goal

When setting a goal for working out, I recommend starting small. For instance, it may feel very overwhelming to set a goal of working out 7 days a week for 2 hours a day and can deter you from actually accomplishing such a high goal. Instead, set a more realistic or doable goal such as 15 minutes 3 days a week. Accomplishing small goals helps us to feel a sense of success and motivates us to reach higher goals.

Plan Ahead

Finding time to workout is always hard because there are so many other responsibilities we juggle throughout the day. One way to ensure that you are following through with your workout plan is by planning ahead. For instance finding or making 1 hour blocks for a workout can oftentimes feel impossible, but scheduling a 15 minute workout during the day is much more doable! Anup and I will often use our lunch block to go outside and walk, even if its just for 20 minutes! Scheduling your workouts in advance helps you remain consistent, motivated, and excited! You can also use this Habit Tracker to see your progress!

Use Your Apple Watch To Track Progress

I love using my Apple Watch to track my workout progress. There is something so satisfying about closing my rings. I also love seeing my friends close their rings— remember to cheer them on and encourage them in their own journey!

Vary Your Workouts

Like I said in the beginning, find workouts that you love and vary them! I set a goal to workout at least three times a week so one day I'll go to the gym, another day I'll ride my bike outdoors, and the final day I'll go on a long walk. By doing so, I am not only engaging different parts of my body but also looking forward to engaging in different kinds of workouts so I am not bored!

Invest in Work Out Sets

I love a good workout set! For some reason putting on a cute workout set inspires me to workout. I am linking a few brands that I love here:

These motivational tips have really helped me to see progress, remain consistent in my routine, and of course the most important part feel happier! Remember to always be patient and kind to yourself while striving towards a goal — it's okay if some days you skip a workout because you're drained or can only do a 5 minute walk! Have a great week everyone! Thanks for reading :)

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