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Journal Prompts

If you love to journal or are interested in starting, here’s some prompts you can use!!

  • I am grateful for …

  • Today I intend to be more ….

  • Today I intend to be less ….

  • I am excited about …

  • I am proud of …

  • I forgive this

  • If I could do anything I wanted to without fear or shame I would …

  • In ten years I hope to …

  • I would tell my 10 year old …

  • I am looking forward to …

  • Something that makes me happy is …

  • I feel anxious about …

  • Something I love about myself is ….

  • Someone I want to send love to is …

  • A prayer I have is for …

  • I feel sad when …

  • Something I need to let go of is …

  • If I were brave I would …

  • I forgive you for …

  • I cannot control …. can control …

  • I value …

  • Today will be …

  • I cannot live without a …

  • I will practice self care today by …

  • I am loved by …

  • I love …

  • My dream is to …

Happy journaling!


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