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Setting Intentions for 2022

2022 is almost here and if there’s anything the past two years has taught us, it’s that nothing is in our control. And so, this year, instead of making new year's resolutions, I am setting intentions. Every year I set unrealistic goals for myself and am disappointed when I don’t accomplish them. Intention setting relieves us of the pressure to achieve a goal. An intention is mindset or guiding principle for how we want to lead our lives. Unlike resolutions, intentions are focused on the journey or process rather than the outcome. I’ve come to accept that while I cannot control everything around me, I can control how I think and how I feel. Setting an intention starts with knowing yourself and your values— it’s an introspective process that makes you question what is important to me or what kind of person do I want to be? When thinking about your intentions, it can be helpful to use categories related to the different domains of your life such as professional, personal, physical, or spiritual to guide you. After setting your intentions, it’s important to determine how you are going to achieve them or the steps you plan to take to live out your intention. You can download my 2022 Intentions worksheet below.


I wish you all a happy new year! May you be happy, healthy, and at peace. See you in 2022!


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