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Tracking Your Daily Habits

My intention for 2022 was to be more consistent with my daily habits. Doing so is super easy with my free downloadable Habit Tracker! Habit trackers are simple and effective tools for tracking daily habits. The visual reminder of the tracker reminds me and encourages me to be consistent with my habits! It’s also sooo rewarding and motivating to see my progress! At the beginning of every month, I spend time reflecting on the habits that I want to add to my daily routine or habits that I want to continue. I usually organize my habits in the following categories: Emotional, Physical, Social, and Spiritual. For instance, for my physical and emotional health a habit that I try to do daily is maintain my sleep schedule. As I have shared in previous posts, sleep hygiene is so important for mental and physical health. So I try to go to bed by 11:00 and wake up at 8:00— even on the weekends. But my husband will tell you – this isn’t always the case! Sometimes I get disappointed or frustrated when I am not consistent with my routines and in those times I remind myself to be gracious and kind! It’s okay if there are days where I don’t get 7 hours of sleep or if I don’t work out! I try to find a balance between maintaining my habit and just living life! Here are some healthy habits that you can consider incorporating into your routine:


  • Engage in self care

  • Meditate

  • Journal

  • Be mindful

  • Maintain sleep schedule

  • Exercise

  • Express gratitude

  • Deep breathing

  • Go on a walk

  • Read a book

  • Coping skills

  • Skincare routine

  • Eat mindfully

  • Yoga

  • Spend time outdoors

  • Organize/clean your space

  • Put your phone away

  • See a therapist

  • Positive self talk

  • Self love


  • Maintain sleep schedule

  • Drink 64oz of water

  • Walk 10,000 steps

  • Limit alcohol consumption to 1-2x week

  • Stretch

  • Take vitamins

  • Limit eating out to 1-2x week

  • Eat a serving of vegetables with your meal

  • Walk dog

  • Floss

  • Wake up 1/2 hour early

  • Cook a meal


  • Call a family member

  • Call a friend

  • Limit time on social media

  • Spend 1 hour uninterrupted with partner

  • Say I love you

  • Express gratitude to family & friends

  • Laugh more

  • Hug more

  • Establish boundaries


  • Pray

  • Read the bible

  • Attend church service

  • Join bible study

  • Speak with a spiritual mentor/advisor/pastor

  • Invest in a spiritual community

It can be overwhelming at first to figure out what habits you should include in your routine so I recommend starting with one from each category! If you’re just getting started with tacking your habits for the first time, it can be very overwhelming to figure out which habits you should adopt! I recommend starting with tracking one habit from each category for a month and seeing your progress! They say it takes 21 days to form a habit! Good luck! I can’t wait to hear about your habit tracking journey.


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